Sunday, 23 August 2015

Wonder Wonder Wonder !!!


I wonder what we will account for if truly God exist and there is an event which no one can give excuse or apply court injunction to repeal the result called the judgment day.
There is no mathematical expert or forensic expert that can detect the fault o the creator of our knowledge and self righteousness can be nullified with the foolishness of the earth so why claim to know all or to be better than a fellow human by right, privilege or power.

I hear from time to time that all power belongs to God so why on earth do we crave for power to rule, acquire and oppress? Till now I am not able to explain the reason I open for lecture and mind rubbing. There is a popular Yoruba adage that says "gbogbo wa l'lole, eni ti ile ba mo ba ni barawo” meaning “we are all thieves and the person caught with his finger in the pot of soup is the main thief”.

Doesn't that sound confusing or funny? To me it is the absolute truth about the situation, lifestyle and corporate practice in Nigeria. There is no amount of ICPC, EfCC and other forensic expert that be used to sanitize Nigeria of corruption even inviting the world no 1 FBI and KGB to assist the operation they will eventually fail.

It is not out of disbelief or loss of trust in the Nigerian system or trying to condemn a failed state without remedy but just trying to pass the message across to whoever is concerned to reason with the write up which is open for judgment and criticism.

Religion, power and money have always been the weapon of destruction for every nation but they failed to see the warnings and hand writings on the wall. Religion intolerance is far from the content of my write up, if it should be part of it, Boko Haram wouldn't have come into existence or other religion fanaticism we experience today in Nigeria.

All over the world Nigeria is known and noted for the super rich citizens and the genetic affluence of brainy and smarter than Smartphone in our blood. However, accountability that would have been the antidote to our problem has been neglected over the years by successive governments since independent. The only King that tried to account for the number of his citizen was punished severely by the Creator in the scriptures by failing to realize that it was God that gave the auction and capacity to do such.

In this write up I am trying to figure out how much I will have in my savings after retirement apart from paying my rent, bills and other unforeseen charges with taxes, it is just receiving 490 pay cheques that will not amount to N5million considering the inflation, economic changes and recesses. If we have to be truthful and have rethink how much each individual should have after retirement I guess we should have just average and comfortable citizens in Nigeria instead of the increasing few super rich men and women among over 178million people in Nigeria.

Amazingly the rich are getting richer while the average are getting poor then the poor are dying into extinction. Hell is let loose when the poor that are getting into extinction stole from the rich or average it is call a criminal case but when the super rich steals from millions of people it is termed business! Really it doesn't tally or add up here, everybody still in the process of survival or trying to survive it is natural but not divine, but the super rich has perfected the system to favor them at every point but disfavor others.

A popular saying “Eko o ni baje O baje ti” and “Nigeria na we own”. But I beg to differ that it is not so for everyone in Nigeria and Lagos, there was a particular day a man's daughter and wife was taped in his presence and was forced to sign out his wife to a super rich since that day, Nigeria and Lagos are for the few, not for everybody but for the few.

If the super rich has perfected the system that guide us then what is the hope of a common man in Nigeria?

Watch out for Part TWO

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